Wednesday, September 2, 2020

The Story of Lovers in Emily Brontes Wuthering Heights :: Wuthering Heights Essays

The Story of Lovers in Wuthering Heightsâ â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â  Set in England on the Yorkshire Moors in the nineteenth century, Emily Bront㠫â ¹s epic Wuthering Heights is the tale of darlings who attempt to withstand the detachment of social classes and keep their affection alive. The principle characters, Catherine Earnshaw and Heathcliff experienced childhood with a working class English wide open house called Wuthering Heights. Heathcliff was the worker and Catherine the little girl of the proprietor of Wuthering Heights. As kids, Heathcliff and Catherine were the best of companions, a kinship which went to adore with the transitioning. Catherine wedded a man of the privileged society and had to end her relationship with Heathcliff. Catherine was cheerful in her marriage from the start yet later became overpowered with her craving to be with Heathcliff. She had to recognize the distinction between her affection for Heathcliff and her adoration for her new existence with cash. At long last, Catherine Earnshaw’s spouse, Edgar Linton, kicked the bucket and Catherine at long last understood that cash and social class were not as satisfying as her craving to have energy in her life, a craving which must be met by Heathcliff. All through the book, Catherine attempted to find what her identity was and what precisely she needed. In parts 6 and 7, Catherine imagined that she had at long last found what her identity was and what she needed. These parts are the zenith of the story. It was the point in the book where the social classes were resolved and Catherine’s love for Heathcliff had to be supressed. Heathcliff and Catherine were as yet youthful and playing together guiltlessly one day. This was before Catherine turned into an individual from the upperclass society and understood that she was unable to cherish Heathcliff in view of his social class. Heathcliff and Catherine meandered past the safe entryways of Wuthering Heights to an enormous bequest possessed by Edgar Linton called Thrushcross Grange. They spyed through one of the windows and were gotten by Linton. Heathcliff figured out how to escape in time however Catherine harmed herself and was taken in by Lintonâ ¹s workers. Catherine remain ed at Thrushcross Grange while Heathcliff came back to Wuthering Heights. She remained at the bequest for a little while being breast fed by Linton and his hirelings. The time she went through with Linton made her begin to look all starry eyed at him, making her for all time be isolated from Heathcliff and the lower class life she used to know.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Philosophy of Libertarianism

Theory of Libertarianism The word libertarianism originates from the word freedom. It is a political way of thinking upholding for freedom, opportunity, intentional and serene relationship of people with no type of pressure. Devotees to libertarianism acknowledge and attempt as much as possible to see that every person boost their different chances to achieve their objectives throughout everyday life. They contend that, individuals ought to be left all alone to do what they want without pressure or intimidation.Advertising We will compose a custom article test on Philosophy of Libertarianism explicitly for you for just $16.05 $11/page Learn More Those in this change in perspective disturb or rather advocate for a general public that is self-represented or to be administered by a little government. This is on the grounds that each person has his own life to live just as property and hence, society should regard this by leaving everyone to decide a mind-blowing course. Everyone in the general public should dem onstrate regard to each other. They in this way accept each individual has opportunity to do what they feel yet not to encroach on the privileges of others. Libertarianism is in this way a blend of freedom, duty and resilience. Freedom suggests the opportunity to live one’s life in harmony as one picks, obligation inferring not to utilize power against others with the exception of while protecting yourself and resilience inferring that one should respect and regard the tranquility of others. The steps that the world has made today can be ascribed to the freedom individuals have been given. For example, freedom has added to regard of common freedom, free markets and self-proprietorship. Without freedom, numerous individuals would in any case be detainees of others. Moreover, without freedom, the idea of free markets could be non-presence and in this way individuals couldn't have the option to sell their items over their visitors. The defenders and student of history likewise h ad their considerations about libertarianism. Libertarianism was likewise seen by history specialists, for example, Woodrock as the methods through which transformation and reconstruction was to be accomplished. This suggested the general public was to be changed through popularity based methods, accord and not tyranny. In like manner, different scholars comprehended libertarianism as a type of administration whereby the focal point of intensity was to be decentralized to people. People were to assume responsibility for their lives and not the legislature. In this, all in all, note that the defenders and theory of libertarianism implied or pushed for freedom and opportunity of the individuals. Society has no commitment to be represented by a power yet individuals should make the most of their opportunity just as regard others’ rights.

Friday, August 21, 2020

Nursing shortage free essay sample

Mending the human services staffing lack *connectedthinking Table of substance 01 02 03 04 Executive rundown l Key discoveries lFuture Forces lRecommendations lAbout the examination 05 Background: Business approach issues around the gracefully of medical attendants and doctors 11 The difficulties of deficient gracefully 20 Overcoming the distinction 22 23 25 27 31 Strategies for building up a workforce model for the future l Develop open private organizations l Encourage innovation based preparing l Design adaptable jobs l Establish execution based measurements 35 Conclusion 36 Appendix Official synopsis Many medical attendants and doctors are among the children of post war America who will begin to resign in the following three to five years. The central government is foreseeing that by 2020, medical caretaker and doctor retirements will add to a lack of roughly 24,000 specialists and about 1 million attendants. While emergency clinic pioneers voice a significant part of the worry over potential deficiencies, the suggestions stretch out all through the work escalated, trillion-dollar United States wellbeing framework. It’s costly to teach new medical attendants and specialists. Citizen subsidized Medicare goes through $8 billion every year for habitation preparing of doctors alone. We will compose a custom paper test on Nursing deficiency or on the other hand any comparative theme explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page While the U. S. has more doctors and attendants today than any other time in recent memory, they are not disseminated or conveyed effectively. Lack projections will in general be worked around today’s regularly broken framework, which makes them dangerous. Nonetheless, while future deficiencies are unquestionably troubling, the greater issue for wellbeing industry pioneers today lies in organizing care in an inexorably mind boggling and combining social insurance work advertise. Deficiencies, or even discuss deficiencies, can control markets, making issues for wellbeing industry administrators who face the day by day issues of selecting and holding the best ability. However on the grounds that deficiencies have likewise been repetitive, momentary arrangements have prevailed upon long haul changes. Looking for arrangements implies getting that while the difficulties standing up to medical attendant and doctor deficiencies are altogether different, their jobs and prospects are beginning to meet. Social insurance is a group activity: at least twelve sorts of doctors and attendants can be associated with a solitary patient’s care, and the requirement for coordination and arranging turns out to be increasingly objective and complex. It’s not a matter of deciding the blend of medical caretakers and specialists to convey proficient and viable consideration. Officials today should consider what sorts of medical attendants and specialists are required, what undertakings these clinicians are best instructed to convey, and how innovation and lower-gifted laborers can be utilized to enhance or supplant them. PricewaterhouseCoopers’ (PwC) Health Research Institute (HRI) contemplated this developing issue with the purpose of giving a 360 degree perspective on momentum workforce challenges and giving a guide to another, increasingly maintainable workforce model. Key discoveries †¢ Use of transitory medical attendants is not, at this point a makeshift measure however has become a lifestyle for some emergency clinics. Responding to quite a long while of attendant opening rates in the 7% to 10%â range, clinic officials studied said they use temp medical caretakers for a normal of 5% of all nursing hours. In the interim, about three-fourths of medical clinic administrators overviewed said their doctors are requesting available to come in to work pay, and 66% said a portion of their doctors need to be utilized by them. This information supports the pattern of medical attendants moving ceaselessly from emergency clinic business and specialists advancing toward it. †¢ The way toward teaching and holding new medical caretakers is broken. The quantity of denied candidates for nursing schools is at its most noteworthy ever, expanding more than sixfold since 2002. Turnover among recently recruited medical clinic attendants is most elevated in the firstmmtwo years. Inability to hold medical caretakers is expensive and inefficient. Each rate point increment in nurture turnover costs a normal medical clinic about $300,000 yearly. By and large, $3. 6 million more than those with high standards for dependability. †¢ Hospital pioneers are in a condition of disavowal about medical attendant disappointment. Emergency clinic administrators accept that the medical caretaker workforce when all is said in done is disappointed, yet not nurture in their own emergency clinic. Clinic administrators studied refered to unnecessary authoritative desk work, persistent outstanding burden strains because of rising patient sharpness levels, and deficient staffing asâ the top three elements for nurture disappointment and turnovers. Deficient remuneration and problematic doctor conduct positioned fourth and fifth. PricewaterhouseCoopers individually. Be that as it may, clinic administrators might be thinking little of the impacts of these variables on the grounds that a large number of those overviewed neglected to perceive these grumblings as a â€Å"very significant† issue in their own associations. †¢ another rush of clinical schools could fix the imbalance of doctors in underserved zones and claims to fame. As more U. S. clinical understudies graduate, they’ll likely dislodge some worldwide clinical alumni who have been filling the holes. Following two many years of the norm, a record number of new clinical schools are scheduled to open in the following five to ten years, which could modify the future dissemination of doctors. †¢ Nursing instruction is smothered by unreasonable budgetary motivators. While clinical training gets critical government endowments, the equivalent isn't really valid for nursing. Nursing instruction programs regularly lose cash for schools, constraining colleges’ eagerness to grow their projects and raise workforce compensations. †¢ The workforce is again and again a doubt for officials, who are occupied by various installment and administrative issues. A noteworthy separate exists between what emergency clinic officials think about clinical workforce deficiencies and how they address them. Three-fourths of clinic administrators studied said workforce deficiencies are genuine. In any case, when requested to rank these deficiencies as a need in their associations, doctor issues positioned 6th and nursing issues positioned seventh behind different needs, for example, repayment, government guidelines, clinical quality, and uncompensated consideration. Future powers These exploration discoveries demonstrate that the present clinical workforce model is feeling the squeeze and as a rule, is broken. There are additionally newâ forces not too far off, nonetheless, to which human services associations must have the option to perceive and react. Attendant and doctor jobs are obscuring in essential consideration, a claim to fame where lower pay rates have deterred obligation loaded clinical understudies. Threefourths of clinic officials overviewed said emergency clinics are utilizing more doctor extenders, for example, nurture specialists and doctor associates, and the greater part said they will utilize them later on. Rivalry for these clinicians is expanding, especially with the coming of retail centers, which intensely utilize doctor extenders. Timetables trump compensation. Associations that center onâ the work/life balance issues for doctors and medical attendants will have a serious edge in selecting and holding top ability. Clinical understudies state work/life balance is a top influencer of how they pick a claim to fame, and medical caretakers state culture and calendars are the best effects on their activity fulfillment. Advances in specialization and innovation are moving what is done and by whom. From radiologists to cardiologists, to computerized telemedicine and virtual colonoscopies, conventional jobs and portrayals are transforming and moving. This move holds guarantee for expanded productivity yet may cause disturbance for specific strengths. Rainmaker jobs may change for medical clinics. Business changes and pay-for-execution repayment may consolidate to flip the workforce dynamic in emergency clinics. Generally, doctors were rainmakers who acquired income, and attendants were overhead. Through new, pay-for-execution programs that attention on clinical quality and patient fulfillment, attendants will have huge effect on the key measurements that will drive repayment refreshes. Proposals Given these key discoveries and future powers, PwC’s Health Research Institute has built up a guide for another workforce model dependent on the followingâ recommendations: Develop open private organizations. Broad deficiencies have made a situation in which key human services players may no longer work in storehouses. Or maybe, these gatherings must work aggregately to advance nursing and doctor programs, manufacturing unions to give training as well as required financing. Support innovation driven preparing. Improving clinical results requires the consistent coordination of treatment among every single clinical expert. Advances in innovation have empowered parental figures to work working together with each other, permitting the emphasis to stay on quality patient consideration. Suppliers, as far as it matters for them, must amplify accessible innovation and empower the selection of and adherence to specialized advancements to expand the efficiency of clinical staff. PricewaterhouseCoopers Design adaptable jobs. Like never before, doctors and attendants are set in a more grounded position to direct the conditions of their work, and managers are progressively finding that adaptability is integral to drawing in and holding quality clinical staff. The best managers will give clinicians alternatives and incorporate adaptable work courses of action into their staffing models. Set up execution based measurements. In contrast to different businesses, human services has had the option to postpone the appropriation of execution based guidelines. Generally, repayment didn't rely upon quality or operational effectiveness yet rather just on the volume of administrations conveyed. Be that as it may, the scene of repayment is developing, with execution based metricsâ€such as clinical quality ou

Thursday, June 4, 2020

Main Idea Of The Road Not Taken - Free Essay Example

The Road Not Taken, written by Robert Frost, uses an extended metaphor of a walking path to emphasize how a choice he makes at any moment could have a significant influence on his future. Frost begins the poem by talking about the diverging roads he stumbled upon in the woods. He realizes he is only one person and can only take one path, so he examines them both in an attempt to make the best decision. The decision was not easy for him as he states, long I stood before he made the choice (3). To the best of his ability he studies both paths, but he is not able to see much due the paths curving and being enveloped with trees. Frost implies that he would like to obtain more information about each path by saying, And looked down one as far as I could, but nature prevented him from doing so (4). In the second stanza, Frost examines both paths in depth; he notices that the second path is more attractive. He concludes that no one has taken it lately because it was grassy and wanted wear (8). He seems to be very indecisive though, declaring that the second path is just as pleasant as the first. The speaker seems to be searching for a logical reason to travel down one path over the other, but the reason is unobtainable. Frost continues to search for a logical reason to choose a certain path in stanza three. He continues to analyze the paths in hopes of finding something to make his decision simpler, but both paths are almost identical. He observes that neither path has been traveled lately because the leaves have not been walked on. It starts to become apparent to Frost that he is not going to find a clear reason to choose a certain path. The speaker knows he needs to make a decision, so he decides to take the second path. He tells himself that he will come back to the forest and take the first path another day. Frost uses an exclamation mark after line 13 to express his excitement of finally making a decision and being able to walk down both paths eventually. His excitement quickly weakens when reality sets in. He acknowledges that one road can lead to another and that he may end up very far from where he started. He doubts he should ever come back, as much as he wishes he could. The tone in the last stanza, stanza four, changes drastically. The speaker jumps forward in time to reflect on his decision. He says he will be telling this story somewhere ages and ages hence, which implies that the story is important to him (17). He then proceeds to repeat the first line of the poem, two roads diverged in a yellow wood, with a few modifications; he removes the word yellow and inserts the words and I (1). By doing this the speaker has emphasized that important part of the poem, the idea of choosing between two different paths. The speaker sums up his story in the last two lines of the poem. Frost states that he took the one less traveled by; even though he said the paths were almost equal, he believes that the one he chose was a little less worn (19). He believes that taking the path that was less worn than the other made all the difference in his life (20).

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Importance Of Architecture In Ancient Greek Architecture

Classical Architecture spans over a vast amount of time, although the main period Classical Architecture is said to have started is during the Archaic Period in Ancient Greece. Greece during these times wasn’t a unified nation, but many independently governed city states. They all varied in power, forces, defenses, economy, etc. Even though these city states remained separated throughout Ancient Greece there was a unifying force. Greek mythology was an ideology that had been supported all throughout Ancient Greece. A polytheistic religion that had various gods, as well as many forms of the same god specific to certain areas. The King of the Gods was Zeus, and the next two most influential Gods were Hera, and Athena. The importance of†¦show more content†¦Although the Ionic order was much slender and was based on the proportions of a women. It was based out of the Aegean Islands of Greece. The Ionic also differed because it had a base and a sculpted frieze, and was als o topped with a cornice and a pediment. What visually set the Ionic order apart from the other orders although was the volutes on the capitals. Lastly, the last order invented by the Greeks was the Corinthian order. This column was the slenderest of all the columns and the tallest. It was built to the proportions of a young women and came out of the Greek Islands. The top just like the others housed a pediment, but the entablature only had dentils. What really sets the Corinthian order apart although is the sculpted capital in the shape of acanthus leaves. This order was the most ornate and wasn’t built until Hellenistic times in Ancient Greece. Nevertheless, the Greek orders were intended for the religious temples that made the Greeks well known. Many Greek Temples shared very common floor plans, a central cella housing a shrine to the corresponding god the temple is for. As well as periptural columns, that wrapped around the exterior of the building. Greek floor plans were inspired by the megaron plan, which led to symmetry being a key element in the construction of temples as well. Greeks also were known for using limestone and marble for temples. But during the end of the Archaic period in Ancient GreeceShow MoreRelatedGreek Material Culture1348 Words   |  6 PagesIt is easy to say, and prove, that Greek material culture reveals an immense amount about ancient Greek society. From vast studies and examinations of the great ancient Greek architecture, the immaculate fine art and literature and even the personal possessions and crafts of the societies own inhabitants, one can reason that these materials reflect much about ancient Greece and its people. 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Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Investment In Information System Samples †

Question: Discuss about the Investment In Information System. Answer: Introduction In recent times, the conditions for business are changing very quickly due to advancement in information and technology system. This report is telling the procedure of choosing ERP/AIS to formulate the decision of investment in information system. To understand it more clearly the report focuses on various points like process and requirement of business, requirement of system, and choosing the correct retailer. The company, which is taken for this assignment, is Arnotts biscuits. The company deals in biscuits and snacks food and it was founded in 1865. The company is one of the leading manufacturer of biscuits and second largest provider of snack food. Business processes Business process for the organizations is set of linked task, which are interrelated to each other and achieve the objective of the organization by delivering the product or service to the consumer. The systematic process of business will improve the efficiency and performance of business and systematic process means less probability of error. ERP helps the organization in organizing a systematic business process. There are five production lines at the Huntingwood factory that manufactures the Arnotts biscuits: Line 1 for the production of Jatz and Sao crackers biscuits. Line 2 comes in use for the other crackers biscuits and for the making of crisp breads. Line 3 produces plain and semi sweets biscuits like Scotch Finger and Milk Arrowroot. Line 4 comes in use to shape the varieties of biscuits. Line 5 produces only chocolate biscuits like Tim Tams and Mint Slice (Oxford, 2014). With the help of ERP (enterprise resource planning), Company can estimate that in what quantity raw material will be required for the production of biscuits on daily basis. Enterprise resource planning explains itself, that it will help the company in planning their resources. It is software, which help the company in improving their performance by reducing the wastage materials. It provides almost correct estimation of required raw material. In addition ERP, also assist the company by providing correct planning of available resources and mentions the production of units in the available resources (Leon, 2014). It is a cost effective method, which reduces the extra expenses on production of the company. Requirements of business Business requirements are related to the particular needs of the management, which assist the company in achieving their objectives and goals in an effectual way. Therefore, the requirement of the business must be clearly specify to the management by that management will fulfill all the requirements for the various departments because lack of any required demand can affect the production of the business. The requirement is not limited to internal factors like finance or availability of raw material, requirement can be related to external sources also as promotion activities, transportation etc. all the demands which help in improving the efficiency of workers and improve the performance of business that can be a requirement for the business (McFarlane, 2012). There can be several requirements for Arnotts biscuit to improve their performance that are as follows: Although company is successful in Australia and even in New Zealand, USA, Japan. However, it is high time where company needs to expand in big markets like China. The company always keeps on working on their biscuit taste and on new flavor because their business is totally depends on the taste and quality of their item. Due to high competition in the market, company needs to expand their factory area by that production of the units will be increased; this will result in constant supply of the product in the market. Company needs to work on their advertising strategies because in fast moving world, it is hard for everyone to remember the advertisement and then purchase the item. Therefore, company needs to be more creative and effective with their advertisement by that people will easily recall the brand (Simatos, et. al., 2012). Requirements of System Requirement of system are different from the requirement of business. The requirements of system are explained in a means of explaining advanced plan to convey business requirement. ERP and AIS are the softwares, which helps the company to manage all their resources whether it is internal or external. AIS (Accounting information software) assists the company in maintaining the record of every financial related activities like resources of finance, salaries, details of assets, cash in hand, etc. Whereas, the work of ERP is to plan that how company can use every single resources, by that wastage can be minimized and production can be maximized. Every business requires a correct system, which helps the company in smooth running of operations (Slack, 2015). The requirement of system can be anything; by that, organization will not face any difficulty in achieving their goals and objectives. There are various system requirements, which are as follows below: Server hardware: for successfully installation of the ERP software company needs to upgrade their system according to the demand of the software because these software does not work on outdated system. Arnotts biscuit was created in 1865, and the company knows the affect of up gradation because they have upgrade with new flavor and taste in their biscuit that is why they are still running in the market. Likewise, company needs new system with upgraded features, which help the system to run effectively. High accounting features: When company is big in size, then it is mandatory for that company to have high level accounting softwares in their software, which are able to solve any problem and records, and keeps the data safe. Arnotts biscuit is very big company, which supplies their product in various countries like New Zealand, USA, and Japan (Galliers, et. al., 2014). Therefore, company must have the advanced accounting softwares, which loaded with all the features and makes the work easy for the accounting department because there will be high amount transaction and there is no chance of any mistake in recording that. For that reason, these softwares assist the company. Software and vendor selection It is very important for the organization to have correct software in their systems because all the information related to the company is stored in the systems. Now, the work of every organization is depending on the systems. Effective and advanced systems have made the work easy of the organizations. There are various software, which made the work easy for the companies, but most popularly software, which every company has, are ERP (Enterprise resource planning) and AIS (Accounting information system). ERP helps the organization by providing the correct planning and utilization of resources, whereas AIS software is the accounting softwares, which helps in calculating all the financial use. Like use of finance, sources of finance, storing the expenses of company and calculating the salary of the employees can be done with the help of AIS. Although there are, various accounting softwares are there in the market but most popular software among the organizations is MYOB (Romney, et. al. , 2012). Along with the correct software company must select the correct vendors which sale their product in the market. Arnotts is very old company and still running in the market due to they have correct vendors in their hand. However, to expand their business company needs to increase their vendors by that sales and profit of the organization will increase. However, there are many vendors in the market but finding the correct and viable vendor is necessary for the company because ultimately vendor is selling the product of the company and if vendor is involve in some legal issue then it will hamper the sale of the product from the side of that vendor. Therefore, it is very much essential to choose correct software and correct vendor (Romney, et. al., 2012). Ways by which companies can develop business effectiveness There are several ways, which helps the company to improve their business efficiency. These methods are as follows: Communication: Communication plays an important role in achieving their goals and objectives. Proper communication is very much essential at the workplace and for the Arnotts biscuit, it is mandatory to communicate each thing among the employees because company makes biscuit and lack of communication can hamper the production or taste. In todays competitive market communication is not only required at the workplace but also company should communicate with their customers and must take feedback about the products and try to know what new their customer wants in the product like design, taste etc (Becker, et. al., 2013). Motivation seminars: Company must conduct motivation seminars for the employees by which employees get motivated and increase their working efficiency. Along with this company can conduct role-play sessions by which employees get opportunity to show their ability. Periodic review: It is mandatory for the organization to review the performance of the employees at regular intervals. This will help the company to review the performance of every employee. This review session is very much beneficial for both company and employee because if there is any employee who is not meeting up the target or facing any problem at workplace this session will provide opportunity to talk with their superior and overcome the problem. Easy processes: It is essential for the organizations to focus on the easy processes of working at the workplace, by that employee can work easily and does not feel any pressure. The planning and process must be easily understandable to all the employees by that they can work with more efficiency and helps in increasing the company profit (Becker, et. al., 2013). Monetary benefit: Company should give monetary benefits to the employees, who do their work with effectiveness and do fewer mistakes. This will motivate the other employees to work with more efficiency. If every employee start working with more efficiency and do fewer mistakes, that will increase the profit margin for the company because less mistakes means less expenses of the company. Level of efficiency of the technology implementation In the modern era of business, it is the significant need of every organization to install new and advanced technologies at the work place, which will improve the work efficiency of employees and business. For small-scale organizations, it is necessary to upgrade their machinery to sustain in the market. Technology not only saves times but also improves the efficiency of the work and affect the quality of the product. Technology plays an important role in the profit of the organization because due to modern technology the production of units increases by that there is enough supply of the product in the market that will result in high sales, which will increase the profit for the company (Wheelen, et. al., 2011). Arnotts company deals in biscuit and snack food. Company produces thousands of biscuit daily with the help of technology. Technology like oven in which biscuits baked and robots, which give shape to the biscuits. With the help of technology or heavy machines has made the production work easy for the Arnotts biscuit. The only problem occurs while working on technology is proper knowledge of the machine. Company should conduct a short training session for all the employees by which employees can learn how machine will be operate. It is necessary for the organizations because every organization wants to increase the production of the units and that can only be possible with the help of technology (Wheelen, et. al., 2011). Technology not only helps in increasing the production or makes work easy but also creates an automated work environment at the workplace. Potential security risks and data breaches There are several types of security risks and data breaches in the company. In this modern world, the security risk has increased by various reasons. Now, Companies are investing huge amount of money to protect their data. These security risks are as follows: Theft: It is one of the common risks, which every organization face. Theft of any material or data can damage the status of the company. Like, if any employee of Arnotts biscuit breaks the trust of company, and gives the confidential information to the competitors then it will put negative impact on the business of the company. Electric item: This security breach arises due to carelessness of the responsible person. This reason has emerged in the recent times very often that person forgets their belongings like laptop, phone and pen drive in office, airports, restaurants or any other place by which the chances of leakage of data increased, which will not good for the company (Chakraborty, et. al., 2011). Hacking: In the modern world, where everyone is online. Many businesses run online and sell their product online. The major risks with these businesses are hacking risk. Hackers can hack the official site of the company and can put wrong details on the site, which will be read by the consumers or any other user. Wrong details of the company or product will not only damage the image of the company but also shut down the company. In this advanced technological world, it is easy for the hacker to hack the site, which is why companies are spending huge amount of money to protect their systems from hackers (Chakraborty, et. al., 2011). Guidelines to mitigate the risks It is very much important for the companies to protect their companys data and other confidential information. To protect these high-level information or systems, companies must make a team of skilled and technological friendly people who are goods at technology and are able to adjust in any situation. Along with this company must install highly advanced anti hacking software in the system, which will help the company by stooping hackers in accessing company system. These software not only stops hackers but also save the data in any conditions like if system damages then these softwares has back up of data by that company can again access their data by following some steps. Conclusion The report concludes that Arnotts biscuit company is making biscuit from 1865. The company is the largest manufacturer of various varieties of biscuits in Australia and second largest supplier of snack food. The company is the subsidiary company of the United States Campbell Soup Company. The report focuses on the business process of the company where how they make biscuit and their production lines are described in brief. Along with this, this report mentions the requirement of business as well system. Various requirements of both these are mention above. To be successful in the market it is essential to choose correct vendor and softwares and Arnotts biscuits are very much conscious about this. In addition, this report explains the reason by which company can improve their efficiency (Slack, 2015). The report also concludes the various security risks and company is spending god amount of money to protect their systems and data. References Becker, J., Kugeler, M., and Rosemann, M. (2013)Process management: a guide for the design of business processes. USA: Springer Science Business Media. Chakraborty, S., and Newton, A. C. (2011) Climate change, plant diseases and food security: an overview,Plant Pathology,60(1), pp. 2-14. Galliers, R. D., and Leidner, D. E. (Eds.). (2014)Strategic information management: challenges and strategies in managing information systems. UK: Routledge. Leon, A. (2014)Enterprise resource planning. USA: McGraw-Hill Education. Manley, D. (Ed.). (2011)Manleys technology of biscuits, crackers and cookies. 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Sunday, April 19, 2020

Karma And Samsara Essays (1277 words) - Shabda, Reincarnation

Karma And Samsara The belief in Karma and Samsara form the basis for the Hindu's religious worldview. It has been central to Hinduism for thousands of years, and as a result forms a major part in the philosophical thinking of many Hindu's today. The ideas of Karma and Samsara are evident in almost all of the great Hindu scriptures, being touched on in the Veda's, but first properly introduced in the Upanishads. When the idea of Samsara was first introduced it led to a quest for liberation through the practice of austerity or meditation or both. To be released form this life the Hindu's needed to wipe out the effects of their past actions or Karma. It is this set of beliefs that formed the background of many of Hindu's religious movements and beliefs. Karma is the belief according to which a person's future life is determined by past and present actions. Every action, bodily, intellectual or ethical, good or bad, big or small will have its effect. Nothing other than the effects of earlier actions has determined the present state of affairs and nothing other than the present actions will determine the future circumstances. The law of Karma allows no room for chance or divine intervention as everything is inevitably determined by it. The Brhardaranyaka Upanisad simply sates "By good actions one becomes good, by bad actions one becomes bad"(4.4.5) (Koller 1982: 59). Intertwined with belief in Karma is the idea of Samsara, which is the cycle of repeated births and deaths that subjects an individual not merely to one death but to innumerable deaths (Koller 1982:9). Hindu's believe that as a person dies the Atman (the unconscious, immaterial part of a human) carries the results of their good and bad actions (Karma) into their next existence. This previous Karma will determine what sort of position a Hindu will occupy in their new existence, for example, if a person in a low caste has been very good in their past existence they will be born into a higher caste in their next life. The ideas of Karma and Samsara have justified the unequal Caste system, which has been an integral part of Indian society for hundreds of years. At the time of the Rig Veda (the earliest Hindu scriptures around 1000 B.C.E) (Smart 1989: 60) the key concepts of Karma and Samsara had not actually been stated. However, it does mention that a person's conduct in this world determines his life after death. The brahmins (the religious leaders) stressed the importance of the sacred act of sacrificing which was supposed to have a bearing on man's fate in the next world, and consequently the Satapatha Brahmana 11.1.8,6, states that "the Sacrifice becomes the self of the sacrificer in the next world"(Stutley 1985: 23). So, even at this early stage of Hinduism, the idea of Karma played an important role in the Hindu's worldview. It was not until the Upanishads (the principal ones dating from 800-400B.C.E) (Smart 1989:49) that we first meet with the doctrines of Karma and Samsara. The Upanishads are concerned essentially with the meaning of the sacrificial rites, and come to the conclusion that knowledge in the ?true reality' is the key rather than expertise in rituals like the Rig Veda's were. In the process they introduce profound metaphysical and religious ideas, such as Karma and Samsara. The Chandogya Upanisad sums up the ideas of Karma and Samsara "those who are of pleasant conduct here the prospect is indeed that they will enter a pleasant womb, either the womb of a Kshatriya or the womb of a Vaisya (high Indian Castes). But those who are of a striking conduct here the prospect is indeed, that, they will enter the womb of a dog, or the womb of a swine, or the womb of an outcast"(Lipner 1994: 45). The central concept in the Upanishads is that of Brahman. Brahman is the highest truth, the eternal being on which all other beings depend on. Brahman is the same as the atman, in other words, that ultimate being out there, is the same as that eternal something within you. The goal for many Hindus became at this time to gain Moksha (release from Samsara) which meant a person's atman would be released from the cycle of rebirth and therefore become one with the ultimate reality, Brahman, like a drop of water into an ocean. To understand the Hindus preoccupation with breaking the cycle of Samsara and gaining Moksha one must understand the Hindu's view of time and space.